The Professional Airmen’s Conference (PAC) and Professional Education & Development Symposium convenes in the third quarter of the calendar year at a location somewhere within the 48 contiguous United States. During the PAC the AFSA conducts its general membership business. The AFSA delegates, general membership, and International Committees share invaluable information, discuss, and ratify, such things as, AFSA's Legislative Platform for the coming year and other goals and objectives.

In addition to the AFSA’s general membership business, the AFSA is proud to host the Military Enlisted Leadership Conferences.  These conferences convene simultaneously with the AFSA to discuss Air Force-specific business.  However, these separate conferences come together during professional development Forums.  

AFSA manages these forums with coordination through many of the military conferences. These forums consist of keynote addresses from senior congressional decision makers, Department of Defense and Air Force senior leadership, war historians, and other professional speakers, just to name a few.  Each speaker provides a rich insight to the Air Force's past, its present and its future. Moreover, these forums continue to build on the strong, solid foundation of our professional Total Air Force enlisted corps.


The 2020 Professional Airmen’s Conference and Professional Education & Development Symposium will convene in
Reno, Nevada at the
Peppermill Reno
2702 S. Virginia Street
Reno, Nevada 89502

The AFSA contracted room rate is $126.00 + taxes per night (Peppermill Tower); $166.00 + taxes per night (Tuscany Tower).

Don’t forget to make your Peppermill Reno reservations – CLICK HERE

NOTE:  The last date to make hotel reservations at the AFSA contracted room rates is July 13, 2020.

The PAC Theme is

“Going Further – Together” 

The Office of the Secretary of Defense  
The Office of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Honorable Robert Wilkie
The Honorable Barbara Barrett   
CSAF General David L. Goldfein
CMSAF Kaleth O. Wright
MAJCOM Commanders
Armed Services Senior Enlisted Leaders
MAJCOM/COCOM Command Chiefs

Former CMSAFs

Robert D. Gaylor
James M. McCoy
Sam E. Parish
David J. Campanale
Eric W. Benken
Frederick J. “Jim” Finch
Gerald R. Murray
Rodney J. McKinley
James A. Roy
James A. Cody